Monday, May 19, 2008


Kate is really starting to talk it up these days. Several days ago, I was trying to cool off some food before giving it to her and I told her it was hot. She said, "Haaahhhhh" (really loud, with great gusto). It was the first time she'd ever repeated something I'd said. She has said dada and mama before, but it is pretty sporadic. So, this was exciting. I then tried to parlay her "hot" into "hi," which worked fine because they sound pretty much the same in Kate-talk. So, all that day when I would say, "Hi Kate," she'd say "Haaahhhh" back. Pretty neat. Then last week, Josh came home from work and I said, "Hi Dada." And Kate said, very clearly, "Haaahhhh Dada!" Josh was so shocked! She really is working on communicating with us. This morning, she was sitting with me on the couch and I pointed to the polkadots on my shorts and said, "dot." I didn't expect her to repeat, but she did! She said, "Daahhht." :-)

We're still trying to get her to learn some basic signs, but nothing's taken yet. It would be helpful if she'd learn the sign for "more," because she's got the whole whining-for-food thing down pat.

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