Kate is still very much into princesses, so it was no surprise that she requested a pink princess-themed party for her birthday. So, much like last year, we invited Kate's friends to join us, decked out in their own royal attire. The timing of Prince William's wedding to Kate Middleton made this year especially neat. Kate and I watched the wedding (recorded...not at 4am!) on Friday morning. She was so excited to see a real Princess Kate, and wanted to put on a "wedding dress" and crown for the occassion.
On Saturday, we made preparations for her party, and she was all smiles.

Once our party guests arrived, I had them all sit down and told them about a real royal wedding that happened just yesterday with a real Princess Kate! We played a little clip of William and Kate walking down the aisle and getting into their horse-drawn carriage. The girls were enthralled to say the least.
Afterwards, we played a few games in the backyard. Then, onto cake and presents.
Jill enjoyed the cake as well. :)
Kate received many lovely gifts from her sweet friends. Josh and I got her a "big girl bike," which was a big hit.